Friday, 7 November 2014

Little surprises.

I had a busy day planned for today and so I could have missed them. But I am so thankful that I somehow stopped just long enough. I felt the rays of bright sunshine warm my arm through the window. Then I noticed the scrap of paper that one of the little ones had left on the floor. As I looked closer, I turned the paper scrap upside down. It made me smile.

A love note for me if I just took the time to see it! And I did!

As I waited for my friend to open her door later in the day, I noticed an amazing collection of little gauze-like lanterns swinging crazily in the wind. They were breathtaking!
I so want to fill my garden with these!

And today was a full day-filled with meeting up with friends, but also with the added glimpse of The Maker's beautiful handiwork and love notes to remind me that the days can be even richer still when we just take a closer look.

Don't forget to look closely too!

Beautiful Chinese Lanterns
Loving the tiny pumpkins!