Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Well, now autumn is upon us finally and the nights are drawing in....I don't feel like doing much other than snuggling down in front of the tv with the hubby!! BUT! I have lots of projects and things underway at the mo, so I am trying to do some work towards them during the day which is a novelty! Now my little cupcake is nearly full time at school it just leaces me and little boy blue to find things to do during the day and sometimes I just need a little 'me' time where I can get on and be arty while he is otherwise engaged for half an hour.

So first on the list to get finished is a littlebirthday book that my friend asked me to do for her sister's 50th birthday party in the October half term! Thankfully I have just finished it and I quite like the result! Hope she does too!

And here it is!

Well, now it's off to gymnastics for the little cupcake and then back for tea later!!

Have a great evening!

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