Monday, 20 October 2014

Autumn Gifts

It was the children's Harvest Festival Service at school a few days ago and it struck me when some of the children read our their harvest thankful prayers that it was the simplest things they were thankful for. To them they were important enough to put into words as a prayer. 

I also went on a walk that same morning and I too began to notice the beauty in some of the smallest things around me! I have come to the conclusion that Autumn might just be my most favorite season!  
The colours! 
The berries! 
The leaves!  
There is so much beauty on my doorstep! So many treasures.  I could stay out here all day! 

Have a Beauty-filled day!
Autumn jewels.
Berries dripping with dew.
Long shadows.
Beautiful red!
Grey velvet toadstools.
Lacy leaves.
An abundance of orange!
Golden leaves.
Angel wings!
Rubies on a branch.

Monday, 6 October 2014

The Art of Being Thankful

The mission continues to slow down and take note of all the blessings each day brings. It's amazing how even on the greyest of days, like today, Beauty is revealed in unexpected places, such as raindrops on the window panes. I am loving the practise of looking at things from a different perspective and just noticing more of the everyday wonders that I usually miss because I am just too busy getting through the day!

I must admit my days are feeling richer because of it!

Raindrops on the window pane.
Sunshine colour on a grey day!
Autumn's jewels!
Beauty in an old buiding. Loving the door in the middle!
The evening blue quilt across the sky!