Well, what LOVELY weather we have had today!!! The sun was shining and the birds were chirping!! Almost makes me feel a bit like singing "Doe, a deer..." or something of the like! (Well, maybe not quite, but you know what I mean!!) Anyway!!! So, had a rather arty afternoon today, as my friend Jo (check out her blog on my Creative Inspirations link) asked me over to have a 'play' with some fabric and dye!!! What fun we had! (although I think both of us agreed that the best result did in fact seem to be the part of the fabric painted by her three year old!!! That says it all doesn't it!!) :o)
I also finally managed to go out into the garden and take the photo that I have been itching to take for a while now, but it has just been too wet! I bought these wings in a shop years ago and they were just packed away in a box for ages. I knew I wanted to do a piece centred on them but never found the right time. However, lately I have had a real change in the direction of my work, and I feel like I have 'taken flight' and am beginning to 'earn my wings!' I am very excited at the new freedom I am experiencing in my creative work, and so I wanted to take this picture to represent the new chapter I feel is taking place. I intend to use the wings again but for now I am happy with this starting point!
Well, enough of the heart to heart! Have a great evening!
I left the cloth outside to dry but then I forgot about it till this morning and its a little crisp from the frost!